Rocco Gentile


Educational Philosophy

I believe that school staff members, such as the school
principal, are morally obligated to enter the school with
only the highest of expectations for each and every one
of their students. I aim to bring an open mind, a positive
attitude, and high expectations to the school community
each day. I believe that I owe it to the students, as well
as the school community, to bring consistency,
diligence, and warmth to the position in the hope that I
can inspire and encourage such traits in the students. I
seek to inspire and encourage students to act with their
mind, think with their heart and ultimately, to leave their
unique mark on the world.


Brooklyn College CUNY

M.S. Educational Leadership, 2009

M.A. Sec. Social Studies Edu., 2007

Central Connecticut State University

B.S. Sec. Education of History, 2005



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