University Partnerships

Our students earn college credits while they are still in high school.

In addition to Advanced Placement courses through the College Board, we are proud to have partnerships with a number of iconic colleges and universities including. Fontbonne Hall Academy has collaborative agreements with several colleges and universities that offer dual credit programs. Credits earned through these programs are transferable to many other colleges and universities. 

  • St. Francis College: Qualifying students in 11th and 12th Grades can dual enroll in a variety of courses.
    Forensics (Fall Semester: Introduction to Criminal Justice; Spring Semester: Forensic Biology)
  • St. John's University: Through the College Advantage Program, eligible students in 11th and 12th Grades can dual enroll in a variety of courses.  
  • St. Joseph's College: Students interested in a child studies career, can dual enroll in classes that are required for majors in the child study field. Students must be in 11th and 12th Grades must meet eligibility requirements.  
  • Johns Hoppkins University offers a variety of languages from around the globe (Mandarin and Arabic)

Prep School for Girls in Brooklyn

Offerings for 2024-2025 School year:


St. Francis College High School Bridge Program


BIO 1140 Anatomy and Physiology for Health Science 
FH Course 455 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

4 Credits
WRI 1001 Basic Writing
FH Course 142 English 12 (Grade 12 Only)
3 Credits

St. John's University College Advantage Program

Math 1050 College Algebra & Trig 74513
FH Course 548 Pre-Calculus Honors
3 Credits
Math 1009 Calc I 74477
FH Course 543 AP Calculus AB
3 Credits
FYW 1000C First Year Writing 74413
FH Course 142 English 12 (Grade 12 Only)
3 Credits
Theology 1000C Perspectives Christianity 74631
FH Course 040 Religion 12 (Grade 12 Only)
3 Credits
Chemistry 1210 w/ Lab 74551
FH Course 475 AP Chemistry
5 Credits


12th Grade students must have:

  •  a minimum cumulative average of 80% in each of the five major subjects: English, World Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
  • a minimum score of 1080 (combined critical reading and math) on the P/SAT


  • a minimum score of 21 on the ACT


11th Grade students must have:

  • a minimum cumulative average of 85% in each of the five major subjects: English, World Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
  • a minimum score of 1080 (combined critical reading and math) on the PSAT/SAT


  • a minimum score of 21 on the ACT

St. Joseph's College @ Fontbonne Hall 

CS 101--Child Psych & Dev I
FH Course 260 Intro to Child Dev (Grade 12 Only)
3 Credits
MAT 113--Pre-Calculus
FH Course 548 Pre-Calculus Honors
3 Credits
MAT 205--Calc & Analy Geo1
FH Course 543 AP Calculus AB
4 Credits
HIS 170--American History I
FH Course 240 AP US History (Grade 11 Only)
3 Credits
SPN 201-Inter Span 1
FH Course 344 Lev 4 Adv Span Conv & Cult (Grade 12 Only)
3 Credits
RS 131--Jesus the Christ
FH Course 040 Perspectives on Christianity (Grade 12 Only)
3 Credits


Student Eligibility

Students must have a minimum GPA of 85.